Fady Kassab, February 7, 2009February 7, 2009, About Us, 0 Feel free to browse the new pages, tell us what this site needs (we get better only through your feedback) and we hope to hear many of your diving stories very soon. Until then: happy diving! 29. January 2010
Advertise with Reef Buddies Fady Kassab, March 8, 2010July 23, 2016, About Us, 0 Do you run a dive business and would like to boost your online presence by being exposed to a...
Writers Wanted Fady Kassab, December 10, 2011July 23, 2016, About Us, 0 Do you want to become a writer for Reef Buddies? Do you have a great flair for writing and...
Dive Centre Directory Fady Kassab, July 7, 2007July 7, 2007, About Us, 0 List your dive business for free Reef Buddies aims to maintain the most comprehensive independent directory of scuba dive...
+ Scuba Divers Area Fady Kassab, July 7, 2017February 6, 2017, About Us, 0 Reef Buddies provides scuba divers with all they need to find and plan great dives, hook up with buddies...
+ Reef Buddies Scuba Diving Community Fady Kassab, January 7, 2011February 6, 2017, About Us, 0 Welcome to Reef Buddies, the place where scuba divers meet, discover and start adventures. Reef Buddies is the ultimate...