Gordons Bay Australia

Time your entry with the waves and slowly walk in until you’re about knee-deep, the put on your fins, kick off and paddle quickly past the surf.

Coming out, swim as far as you can up onto the ramp until you are almost flat on your belly. Keep your regulator in at all times. Once you’re stranded, kneel, take off your fins and stand up. The one thing to remember abot this dive is that it’s only safe in really calm conditions. 

Once in the water, head out straight off the ramp past the rocks until you reach a sandy pit. Looking down you will see a chain that runs parallel to the rocks. Descend near the chain, where the depth is aroun 3-4 metres, and then follow it south-east. You will soon get to a wall that fall off straight down to abot 12 or 13 metres. Turn right and swim slowly along the bottom ledge with the wall on your right. You are likely to see lots of stingrays here and other marine life. When you reach around 8 metres, turn around and return now with the wall on your left along the second ledge until you hit the chain again. There is lots to discover on the way and it will be an enjoyable dive if you take it slow and have a good look around in the kelp and little overhangs. 

January 2010


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